Charities in Myanmar
These charities have charitable projects in Myanmar. They may be based in Myanmar or based on the border
of Thailand or other countries but have charitable projects in Myanmar also.

Burma Children's Fund
Chairman – Brigadier Colin van Orton
The Burma Children's Fund aims to dedicate to the eduction, health care and development
for orphans and children in Burmar (Myanmar). The activity of Burma Children's Fund run by volunteers with all fund raised will reach directly to support its activities in the country. Burma Children's Fund is a U.K.based charity with its registered number 1123989.
Address :
Chairman of Burma Children's Fund
PO Box 7382
Fleet Road
Hartley Wintney,
RG27 7FW
E-mail :

Prospect Burma
Mr. Robert Gordon : Chairman
The prospect Burma is a U.K. registered charity number 802615 which has been set up in 1989. The Prospect Burma aims to investing in a positive future on education through young Burmese with its various activities to open wider door for educational opportunities.
Prospect Burma
Porters' Lodge
Rivermead Court
Ranelagh Gardens
London, England UK
Telephone: +44
(0) 20 7371 0887
+44 (0) 20
7371 054

Japan Heart
Mr. Koichiro Kato : Secretary General
Japan Heart was founded in 2004 as a volunteer-based international health care organization. Japan Heart initially started offering services in Myanmar with medical professionals-particularly doctors and nurses and volunteers are sent from Japan Heart to engage in health care activities in Myanmar.
Japan Heart began its activites at Wachet Charity Hospital located in the Sagaing Division in Central Myanmar, in response to the need for low-cost and free of charge for children, safe health care and services.
Japan Heart aims to provide medical treatment and health care services to underprivileged and poor Burmises to be able to acess to standard and good medical care and treatment as well as bringing hope for Burmises children's future through various programs created for them.
Contact :