Baan Jing Jai Foundation and Children Home
Financial Efficiency
Good Governance & Transparency
Combined Score

Baan Jing Jai Foundation and Children Home
Baan Jing Jai Children Home and Foundation provides help to abandoned, streetchildren
and children at risk in Pattaya by offering them a warm hospitality,
accommodation, and supporting them by education from pre-school to university level.
Baan Jing Jai Children Home and Foundation is a Christian based charity. There are
presently 83 children under the care of the children home in addition to 4 students at
university level who are granted educational scholarships and all expenses living outside the home.
The foundation was registered as public benefit charity in 2013. The foundation is in thev process of upgrading its charity to be a Public Charity Organization in order to be entitledfor donation tax deductibility.
Please read GBA review as attached file: