Camillian Home for Children Living with Disabilities
Financial Efficiency
Good governance & Transparency
Combined Score

Camillian Home for Children Living with Disabilities
Camillian Home for Children Living with
Disabilities is located in Latkrabang, Bangkok, Thailand and is a branch of St. Camillus Foundation of Thailand, a registered not-for-profit children's charity.
The Camillian Home was initiated by Father Giovanni Contarin, an Italian Priest who has extensively worked for the poor in Thailand since 1987 helping orphans and abandoned children who living with disabilities and also with HIV/AIDS.
Camillian Home is a unique facility designed to allow each child to receive specialized care and treatment in an environment that encourages and develops the capability of each child, regardless of the severity of their condition. The children are stimulated mentally and physically thanks to a full-time staff of caretakers, physical therapists and a resident nurse. The Camillian home is one of the few facilities in Thailand dedicated to caring for poor disabled children in a family atmosphere, and aims to serve as a model in caring for vulnerable children with special needs.
The Camillian Home has to raise funds to pay
for its running expenses and future developments itself
separately from the other organizations under the St. Camillius Foundation of Thailand. Expenses are high running at Bht 1m per month. However, whilst the home receives valuable support
primarily from individual donors, such regular donations can only cover 50% of the homes operating costs.