Camillian Social Center Chiangrai

Financial Efficiency

Good Governance & Transparency

Combined Score


Camillian Social Center Chiangrai

 We want to assist the sick with the same love that a mother has for her only sick child.”

   Saint Camillus de Lellis


in 1973 Saint Camillus Foundation of Thailand was established. Run by the Camillian monastic order, the charity‟s objectives are to promote and support the activities of its 10 centers that continue to serve its Order mission. The Camillian Social Center Chiangrai is one of these.

In 1992, the Camillian Social Center Chiangrai officially became registered and as the years have progressed, CSCC initial sup-port for the victims of leprosy and the Sriwichian community has broadened. CSCC's original work highlighted just how many disad-vantaged remote communities and children there are in need around North Thailand and through its dedication to the Order, CSCC has expanded its support to include the children of leprosy patients and hill tribe children that are poor, orphaned or living with physical and learning difficulties.

Please see our review on Camillian Social Center Chiangrai by download the file attached below :


Review of Camillian Social Center Chiang Rai 2014
Camillian Social Center Review.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 622.5 KB
Camillian Social Center Chiangrai Annual Report Year 2013
Annual Report 2013-Final NGO.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 18.5 MB