Internet Foundation for the Development of Thailand

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Financial Efficiency

Good Governance & Transparency

Combined Score

Internet Foundation for the Development of Thailand

In the modern world today, Information Technology becomes a part of our daily life.  As a result, there is various kind of information that we consume through technology gadgets in one way or another every day.


Internet Foundation for the Development of Thailand has been established since 2003 with its aims to not only being as an intermediate on social and economic development for rural and communities area and disadvantaged people who lack of opportunity to access and consume such the information properly but also dedicating to create “Safety Environment of Internet Usage with creatively utilizing of Information Technology” together with being as donation in-kind distribution center to deliver to those children in the remote area.



Giving Back Assoc.’s team member has a good opportunity on visit the office of the foundation and has interviewed with the Manager who willingly give us insights of the foundation.  



Please see our review on the foundation as file attached below :


Internet Foundation for the Development of Thailand Review 2014
Internet Foundation for the Development
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